duARTS FYI Program


Each intern will be placed on a duARTS committee that works on a specific part of our mission. These committees include the marketing committee, programming committee, and collaboration committee. We may potentially have design interns or finance interns as well, depending on interest. Interns will be full members of these committees and will help brainstorm, plan and promote duARTS events throughout the semester.

Intern Event

All Interns will collaborate to plan and execute one large event, with input


Each intern will be given a mentor on the duARTS Executive Board. This mentor will meet with them one on one several times throughout each semester to help them get an understanding of the arts community and opportunities at Duke.

Intern Mixers

We will coordinate with DUU/DSG other groups to facilitate campus networking and connection building via inter-group mixer events. This will allow us and our interns to better have the abilities and connections to accomplish their goals.

