duARTS Starving Artist Fundraiser

If you happened to find yourself in the Bryan Center Plaza on November 3rd, you would have encountered a world of fantastic a capella singing, dance performances, free and diverse food, and CHARITY!

During Duke International Association's Foodfest 2017, duARTS held the Starving Artist Fundraiser, an event that has so far raised over $200 in donations for The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. duARTS members created food themed artwork, including stickers, posters, and clay miniatures to encourage students to donate the food bank.

Posters made by duARTS exec members were put on display and distributed based on the contribution made. Intricate food miniatures and creatively cute stickers made by duARTS president, Kelsey Graywill, were also on display with those making a large contribution being placed in a raffle to win Divinity Cafe and Haystack miniatures.

Free buttons were also available for anyone who wanted to share their artistic affinity with the world!

Below find some close ups of the beautiful miniatures!

Artwork created by duARTS president Kelsey Graywill, First Year Intern Shailen Parmar, VP of Marketing Sydney Smith, and First Year Intern Greta Chen. And thanks to all those who donated to such a worthy cause!
